Your mind yearns to know; your body and heart to love...
me: 35 female curious loving kind environmental mental humanist animalist universalist disorganized free-spirited anti-corporation anti-hierarchy idealistic intellectual linguistic logical goofy independent friendly serious fun nerdy passionate compassionate earnest respectful emotional humble proud skeptical optimistic introverted extroverted loyal epicurean hard-working patient protective trusting rebellious creative fierce down to earth headstrong crass poetic child-loving animal-loving earth-loving universe-loving music-loving music-making book-loving garden-loving bbq-loving food-making food-loving beer and wine-loving curious dream-following responsible gentle sprightly confident tangent-traveler cultural-production lover cultural production maker technology-lover reverent irreverent dirt-loving mountain-loving water-loving life-loving verbal pensive generous funny physical innocent cynical cautious concert-loving greed-hating intolerant of intolerance cerebral thoughtful anti-dogma pro-dog spontaneous adjective-loving language-loving anti-definition, clearly you: male, otherwise more or less the same; pics and more words for some of yours map-art by Ed Fairburn